It's all about me baby!

When I write, I just assume everyone reading already knows who I am and what I like etc..
But of course, I'm not right all the time! So, I figured that I'd answer 10 questions to let you in on a little bit more info! Don't get your hopes up for anything amazing though because I'm pretty basic. 

  1. What is your full name?  My full name is Elishia Kathleen Noonan, sounds fancy I know! I was named after both of my mums nans, Elsie and Kathleen. My mum always calls me Elsie but everyone else calls me Ellie or Els.                                                                                            
  2. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? I think I'm a pretty good friend, I'm a strong believer of treating people how you wish to be treated. So, I treat my friends how they treat me. My friends are amazing though so I always try my hardest to be amazing back. I think I'd be my friend yeah, I'm probably pretty annoying though, my bad!                                
  3. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Sarcastic? Naaaah. Just joking, I think my personality is 75% sarcasm, the other 25% is attitude and sass! 
  4. Scary movies or happy endings? If we're talking about movies I like both, so I guess a scary movie with a happy ending? But if I had to live one of them, I would definitely chose a happy ending, I don't fancy being in a horror movie, thanks but no thanks.                                              
  5. Favourite smells? This is probably going to sound super weird and be super hard to understand, but my favourite smell is hands down the smell you get at the beach. I absolutely love the smell of the sea air! The smell of crisp autumn leaves too, there's something really comforting about it! Of course anything that smells like cinnamon or coconut too!                                                    
  6. Do you have any special talents? I can sing, I just chose not to let anyone hear me, so I guess it's more of a secret talent! Apart from that, I guess I don't, I can do the splits and a pretty good worm if that counts?                                                                                                                            
  7. How tall are you? I'm exactly 5ft, so yes, I've always been the smallest in school, the smallest in my family and the smallest one out of all my friends. Go me!                                                           
  8. What was your best and worst subject in school? I absolutely HATED science! I just couldn't do it, I'm pretty sure I gave up and chilled out in that Lesson. I did have two really good friends in the class though, we actually had a lot of fun! My best subject would easily be English, I loved everything about it! The class I was in was amazing, we all got along so well and I definitely left school with some good memories from that class! The teacher I had was great too, She was the reason I carried on with my love of writing to this day!                              
  9.  Do you have any pets? Yes!! I have two little pooches. Roxy, a Chihuahua cross Jack Russel, and JoJo, a pure bred Chihuahua.
    Meet JoJo!
    Meet Roxy!

  10. Favourite childhood memory? My favourite childhood memory are the days I spent with my Nan. I used to love spending every Saturday morning with her, We'd go into town for a spending spree, then for a hot chocolate and a cake. I'd always be told not to tell my Gramps too!! We spent a lot of the time baking together, I've kind of carried that on in her memory.  Apart from that, the best memory would be the day trips to Seaton beach with my cousins and grandparents, we'd always have a picnic which we weren't aloud to touch until lunch time. My Nan would always panic watching us in the sea too, they were the best days!
Now you know a bit more about me, I'm basically just your average 16 year old girl who actually believes she's a princess and is in love with chicken nuggets, standard!
