I love myself💛

HELLO MY LOVLIES!! you probably think, judging by the title, this is an arrogant post about how I think I'm so amazing. I promise you it is not!! I wanted to talk a little about self confidence and how I became happy and comfortable with myself!! I really hope this will help some of you out, even if it just changes ONE persons perspictive on how they see themselves it will make me so so so happy😘

I feel as if, today, self confidence is very rare and hard to gain. But together, my lovelies, we can SLAY THE GAME. 

I gained my self confidence by learning to love myself, being so young, that wasn't easy. Everywhere you look, whether it be a magazine, social media or even a programme on TV, there are constant reminders of what "you should look like". However, the images you see are far from how YOU should look. Yes, those girls, or boys, are unnnnreaaal, but trust me my angel, you are also absolutely beautiful. 

I was always a very self conscious person, sometimes I still am but over time I taught myself to love my flaws. I told myself to love my thick thighs and big arms, and to love my stomach. The minute I learned to love myself, I felt like a whole new person. I felt happy and content. I felt as if I could wear that dress and look bomb AF. If I want to wear a full beat face of make up then you know IMA HAVE A FULL BEAT FACE, of course, there are days when I don't feel good. Or I feel bloated, or I have a spot etc, or my dermatitis has flared up, the list goes on! But it's being positive that helps me over ride it because, tomorrow I won't be bloated and in a couple of days that spot will go, my dermatitis will clear, I mean, WHO TF CARES what people think of you?! If you feel happy and bomb af in that bright yellow jacket, guuurl you wear that bright yellow jacket cause you're probably KILLIN' IT! 

There will always be people who want to knock you down, there will always be someone telling you you don't look good, or your too loud, or too quiet but F*** THEM, because I can promise you they are just jealous. You are amazing and I can guarantee somebody loves your loudness and your laugh, and they love the way you look! Go out there and be yourself!! You may get one person throw a strange look at you but I guarantee you'll get 5 people tell you you look good, or they like your laugh! Positivity is key! Learn to love yourself and your flaws because my lovely, you are so beautiful. 

My top 3 tips for growing self confidence;

Stop worrying what other people think; 
Baby girl there is no point in stressing over another persons opinion of you. You will be so much more content when you begin to think "I don't care what they think, I like it, I'm doing it" Do what makes you happy!

Don't be a copy;
Life is to short to live in a shadow, explore different things and spend time discovering you. Because the best version of you, is yourself, and when you're yourself Hunni YOU SHINE SO BRIGHT!

Always find the positive;
Every cloud has a silver lining!! Woken up with a spot? It will go. Someone's upset you? There's always someone who will make you smile! Bad hair day? Angel face I bet you look bomb in a hat!  Always try and find a positive to each negative and put all of your focus in to the positive and I can promise you will feel so much better about your negative situation. Always remember everyone has a battle of their own that they're fighting.

Lots of love xxxx
