Something about Spain!

This is a very belated blog post! In September I went on a family trip to Spain, Mallorca to be exact! (Could be Majorca but aren’t they the same place?!)

It all started with a very early wake up call and a long journey to Birmingham airport, which of course I had to spend most of the time in duty freeπŸ™ˆ we flew with Thompson and I have to say we’ve never had a bad flight when we fly with them! The flight was only 2hours and it went so fast! I spent 85% of the flight reading, I was reading “just one day” at the time, I would highly recommend reading it! The other 15% I spent eatingπŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ When we arrived at Palma airport we had a coach trip to the hotel, the coach journey was about an hour and a half and was definitely the most boring part of the holiday! But we finally got there, just in time to get some food. I mean literally just in time we had like ten minutes before they stopped serving food!

My family and I went for a week and stayed in a hotel called La’gotel. The hotel was lovely, we went for all inclusive, this means your food and drinks are all included in the stay. The hotel had two pools, with a free bar and snacks all day long,A gym, and entertainment every night. We only used the gym once. The entertainment was absolutely brilliant, even if me and my cousin Beth did embarrass ourselves a tad too much getting involved in quiz night, let’s just say a dance to single ladies was involvedπŸ™ˆ!

 The holiday was very chilled in general, mostly involved chilling around the pool area stuffing our faces with way to much food we could cope with! We went to the beach on one of days and it was so much fun, we swam with some fish and stayed in the water all day in general (we’re water babies!!). The only big trip we did was the trip to Palma, just to go to Sephora, which may I just add, I was disappointed with!:( It was very small and the makeup is definitely cheaper to buy in England!

If I had to pick a favourite part of the holiday it was definitely the last night of entertainment, I’ve never laughed so much! Oh the food was amazing too, we all deffo ate more than we could cope with, a food coma was often in place!πŸ˜‚ 

I was so sad when it was time to come home, we all wish we did 2 weeks now! We all had such a lovely time as a family, we’re going back next year for sure! 

It’s important to spend time with family, at the end of the day they have your backs in the long run❤️
